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MCC Material Resource Building Project - Sharing hope and relief

For more than 21 years, supporters like you have generously given material resources to the Great Lakes Material Resource Center (Kidron Office) at MCC Connections to support the work of MCC. These material resources are an important connection for people to put their faith into action. The kits and comforters provide relief and a tangible sign of hope to people in need around the world. And the acts of putting together kits and knotting comforters are a hands-on way for people of all ages to get involved. With conflicts and disasters around the world, the need for material resources and requests from our partners continue to increase. We are grateful to live in a community that takes seriously the call to support those in need. However, the current shared space with MCC Connections is limiting our capacity to help meet those needs.

In response to these needs, we are planning for a new material resources building that will allow us to better respond to these needs by increasing efficiency, increasing volume and increasing engagement in our community.  To learn more about the project, click here.

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Mennonite Central Committee is a global, nonprofit organization that strives to share God’s love and compassion for all through relief, development and peace.

As an Anabaptist organization, they strive to make peace a part of everything they do. When responding to disasters they work with local groups to distribute resources in ways that minimize conflict. In their development work they plan with community and church groups to make sure the projects meet their needs. And they advocate for policies that will lead to a more peaceful world.

Learn more about the vision, mission and areas of focus of MCC.